Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Teaching Kids New Material

When teaching kids new material, you need to tell them the answers. You should never ask a child a question that you have never answered before. A child comes into the world ignorant of everything. They do not know what revenge is. They know how to take revenge, but they don't know what revenge is. So you must tell them.

The best way to do this is to use a story to show what taking revenge looks like. Then tell them that it is bad. Give them a good reference to the Scriptures (something that God has actually said). Then give them a clue word. By clue word, I mean, a word that you will use in your stories later on to clue the kids in on which commandment you are talking about.

For example, when talking about "revenge" always mention that vengeance is the Lord's, He will repay. Always use the clue word "revenge." And emphasize that word. Repeat that word a couple of times throughout the story. Ask the kids what sin was committed: "revenge." This is all very basic, but you must never forget that repetition is the key. The kids need to begin to recognize the sin of revenge, and they need to be able to call it by its biblical name.

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